Success Stories
Here are some examples of how we have helped clients of ours on their property journey. We are thrilled at the results we have generated for them and would like to offer you the same level of service.
Buyer Agent
The Client:
A client we had already worked with (in her investment property portfolio), reengaged our services to buy her an owner occupier property, in her preferred but very small, tightly held and popular suburb and with a very specific budget.
The Situation
The client was an experienced investor and understood the importance of her home having good underlying capital growth potential that she could leverage from later on, while also meeting her needs from a home owner’s perspective. She was clear and specific in her requirements and her brief and also preferred not to buy at auction. It needed to be a particular price point, suburb and age but there was flexibility around timeframes.
The Outcome
After searching the small suburb in which there was little to no stock available for sale, we were able to source a property off market and negotiate directly with the vendor and without the involvement of a selling agent. Dealing with the vendor (an experienced property developer), we were able to buy $50,000 below bank valuation, insert all of the clauses required to protect our client and to negotiate a satisfactory outcome that suited both parties, very quickly and easily for all. Read More
Property Portfolio Review
The Client:
A client with an established property portfolio engaged our services to analyse a property within her portfolio that was causing her some concern.
The Situation:
Whilst the client was an experienced investor, she had purchased a property that wasn’t performing to expectation and recognised the value in outsourcing analysis of the property performance to an experienced Property Investment Advisor. The client wanted to continue to grow her property portfolio, but this property had in fact performed so poorly that she found herself in a negative equity situation after a period of having owned the property for 3 years. She was uncertain as to what to do with the property moving forward, as she had no factual information on which to base a decision, to enable her to take those next steps.
The Outcome
After analysing the property details and taking into account the macro and micro economic indicators that influence property growth, a report was drafted and provided to the client. Taken into consideration and specified within the report were local factors including employment and economic growth, population and demographic changes, infrastructure, government spending and supply and demand factors. Read more
Property Investment Advice
The Client
A client with an established property portfolio engaged our services to develop a long term strategy, so she could achieve her goal of retiring and living off the passive income from her property portfolio, within a 16 year timeframe.
The Situation
Whilst the client was an experienced investor, she was sold an investment property that was performing poorly and recognised the value in sourcing independent advice. The client wanted to continue to grow her property portfolio, but having had a negative experience with her first investment property, she wasn’t sure what to do to advance her position. She had no strategy, no clear and specific goal, no understanding of her risk profile and the limitation of her age, no clarity about where to invest and why and was distrusting of people representing themselves as property experts, because they were effectively real estate sales agents operating under another guise of advisor.
The Outcome
After taking into consideration the clients details pertaining to her existing property portfolio, age, goals, income, marital status, risk profile, risk appetite, borrowing capacity and time frame, a tailored strategy was determined and a Statement of Property Investment Advice (SOPIA) was developed. Read More