Case Study – Buyer Agent
The Client
A client with we had already worked with (in her investment property portfolio), reengaged our services to buy her an owner occupier property, in her preferred but very small, tightly held and popular suburb and with a very specific budget.
The Situation
The client was an experienced investor and understood the importance of her home having good underlying capital growth potential that she could leverage from later on, while also meeting her needs from a home owner’s perspective. She was clear and specific in her requirements and her brief and also preferred not to buy at auction property. It needed to be a particular price point, suburb and age but there was flexibility around timeframes.
The Outcome
After searching the small suburb in which there was little to no stock available for sale, we were able to source a property off market and negotiate directly with the vendor and without the involvement of a selling agent. Dealing with the vendor (an experienced property developer), we were able to buy $50, 000 below bank valuation, insert all of the clauses required to protect our client and to negotiate a satisfactory outcome that suited both parties, very quickly and easily for all.
During the course of the due diligence period, it came to light that there were substantial structural rectification repairs required on the property, even though it was only 10 years old. We knew there were issues before the inspections, but the subsequent building quote based on obtaining a specialist building report, identified $35,000 - $50,000 worth of repairs needing to be done. Our client could have walked away at that point, however as she loved the property, we were able to renegotiate a further discount on the property price that allowed the repairs to be completed and gave our client the freedom to select and engage a builder of her choice and in her own timeframe. In addition, a number of smaller repairs worth approximately $3000 were also attended to and paid for by the vendor before settlement. Again, this was to the satisfaction all parties and the property proceeded to settlement without a hitch. Both our client and vendor were thrilled with the result.
Client Testimonial
I am thrilled with the result that Miriam at Property Mavens has achieved for me, under trying personal circumstances. The location, property and price she secured the property for was excellent and it met 95% of my criteria. All of the additional work she did in relation to the building and pest inspections and building quotes however was well and truly above expectation. She negotiated a further exceptional outcome in relation to those repairs before my contract became unconditional, which have since been done to an exceptionally high standard, by the builder she introduced me to during the buying process.
When the settlement was unintentionally delayed by the vendor, she was able to pull a rabbit out of the hat and negotiated for me to move in before settlement with a secure agreement in place that everyone was happy with, including the vendors solicitor. I saved $1000’s by not having to live in a hotel for a week and move my property into and out of storage in that time. All up, the process was stress free from my end, an absolute time saver and worth every dollar I paid.
In addition, I was introduced to the rest of her talent bank of professionals that were able assist me across a number of different areas during the process of the buying my property, making life easier and as this is the second property Miriam has researched, sourced and negotiated successfully for me on, I have no hesitation in recommending her services as a trusted and professional buyer agent. She is my ‘go to girl’ for property and I look forward to working with her again on my next purchase.
Thank you again Miriam!
Name withheld for privacy reasons