We analyse the performance of your property or property portfolio (on a property by property basis) and identify how and where your portfolio is, or isn't performing, what opportunity there is for future growth potential and then provide options for your consideration based on the results.
Whether your property is performing or underperforming, we provide you with the evidence you need and the options available to you, so that you can determine what next steps to take to continue to hold, modify or grow your property portfolio with more clarity.
Our comprehensive Portfolio Report includes;
- Evidence of key considerations including supply and demand factors, population growth, employment opportunities and land availability
- Future financial modelling based on performance to date and
- Options re selling or holding the property and financial modelling to support the options presented
For volume purchases of Property Portfolio Reports, contact our office on (61 3) 9988 2266 or email miriam@propertymavens.com.au